Just a few of our instagram posts:

You can see what we’ve been up to the past weeks:
All doors and windows on the first floor are installed! We are so happy with that, and almost looking forward to winter.
One of Nuno’s garden dreams became true: to have sunflowers, and beyond his expectation, they grew even taller than him. (>2m) Now they are hanging inside the house to dry and to harvest the seeds. Isn’t it a miracle?
We also built a steady and solid scaffolding, in preparation for the next big job: examining and quick fixing the north side of the roof. We want to make sure the dormer can survive another winter. And we will install a temporary gutter to prevent the rainwater from leaking into the facade again. During the winter months, we will prepare the big reroofing project that we have to take on in spring and summer next year. This week the safety gear arrived too, so we are ready to go to the next level!

Before (or actually already with some fixes made by Nuno) and after.
Little Portuguese glossary for around the house
door | porta |
window | janela |
sunflower | girassol |
sunflowers | girassóis |
seed | semente |
scaffolding | andaimes |
roof | telhado |
dormer | trapeira |
to fix | fixar |
gutter | caleira |